Law of International tenders – Public Works, services and concession contracts law
- File composition and preparation for tenders of public project contracts, public supplies contracts and public services contracts
- Monitoring of the various stages of the tenders, legitimization of participation, in order for all the participation requirements to be fulfilled, as well as the selection and award criteria to be met
- Submission of objections, preliminary appliocations to the contracting authorities for claiming the rights of participation and award
- Interim measures in tenders for contract award, for ensuring participation, controlling the tender’s conditions or blocking the participation of other bidders
- Formation, negotiation and checking of contractual documents, in contracts for public projects, services, supplies, counseling services and concession: Contract General and specific rules governing specifications
- Execution of contracts: demands and claims for remuneration and compensations, new and additional tasks, amending agreements
- Unforeseen change of conditions